
Thank you for you interest in ODH.  The tutorial docs are not out of date and will be updated today to reflect the use of the new odh-core.yaml file for deploying ODH Core components (Dashboard, Notebook Controller, Data Science Pipelines, Model Mesh) with the ODH 1.4.0 operator.

Feel free to join our Open Data Hub slack workspace if you have any issues with the installation.

Landon LaSmith

On Sun, Oct 30, 2022 at 9:13 AM <> wrote:

I installed ODH Operator on an OpenShift v4.8 and deployed it with the default YAML that comes with the operator just adding the Spark section included in the quick installation, and everything is started correctly, but when I start the basic tutorial and try to spawn a server for Jupyterhub I get this error in the Starting Server window: "Failed to send /hub/api/users/"

Is there anythig that I have to do before starting the Jupiterhub server?

Any support would be appreciated.
Thank you,
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