What are the customizations? Is this to fix retrieving the tables and
databases from Hive metastore? I've fixed the permissions on the
spark-cluster-image repo, although I'm not a fan of the name of it...
Should just be "spark".
On Mon, Aug 19, 2019 at 12:02 PM Ricardo Martinelli de Oliveira <
rmartine(a)redhat.com> wrote:
One side note about the spark image: Because Spark SQL Thrift server
an open issue in spark 2.2 that breaks thrift server we need to use spark
2.4. I already have the image built and I can push it when I have proper
permissions to do it.
As for Landon suggestion, I think it's a good idea and I can in advance
create a quay.io/opendatahub/spark-cluster-image:2.4 tag if needed so we
can reuse the same name but with a different tag.
On Mon, Aug 19, 2019 at 11:10 AM Landon LaSmith <llasmith(a)redhat.com>
> Do we want to store all of the ODH spark images in the same repository?
> We already have quay.io/opendatahub/spark-cluster-image
> <
> Should we deprecate that repo and create a new one to store both?
> On Mon, Aug 19, 2019 at 10:06 AM Ricardo Martinelli de Oliveira <
> rmartine(a)redhat.com> wrote:
>> Thanks everyone for the feedback!
>> As the winner is #2 (push the custom imago into quay.io operndatahub
>> organization), who should I ask for permissions to push my image in this
>> org?
>> My quay.io username is the same as my kerberos user.
>> On Mon, Aug 19, 2019 at 10:57 AM Landon LaSmith <llasmith(a)redhat.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Agree with #2
>>> On Mon, Aug 19, 2019 at 9:53 AM Václav Pavlín <vasek(a)redhat.com>
>>>> I agree with #2 - ODH should work out of box, so we need to provide
>>>> the image (which is a no for #1), and #3 sounds like an overkill
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> V.
>>>> On Mon, Aug 19, 2019 at 3:43 PM Alex Corvin <acorvin(a)redhat.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> I think my vote is for #2. Option #1 will continue to be supported
>>>>> for groups that need it, but we can make it easier for people to get
up and
>>>>> running by curating an official image.
>>>>> On August 19, 2019 at 9:33:44 AM, Ricardo Martinelli de Oliveira (
>>>>> rmartine(a)redhat.com) wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> I'm integrating Spark SQL Thrift server into ODH operator and I
>>>>> to use a custom spark image (other than the RADAnalytics image) with
>>>>> additional jars to access Ceph/S3 buckets. Actually, both thrift
server and
>>>>> the spark cluster will need this custom spark image in order to
access the
>>>>> buckets.
>>>>> With that being said, I'd like to discuss some options to get
>>>>> done. I am thinking about these options:
>>>>> 1) Let the customer specify the custom image in the yaml file (this
>>>>> is already possible)
>>>>> 2) Create that custom spark image and publish on quay.io opendarahub
>>>>> organization
>>>>> 3) Add a buildconfig object and make operator create the custom
>>>>> and set the image location into the deploymentconfig objects
>>>>> Although the third option automate everything and deliver the whole
>>>>> set with the custom image, there's this thing about supporting
>>>>> images within operators. We'd need to add a spark_version
variable where
>>>>> the build could download the spark distribution corresponding to
>>>>> version and the artifacts related and run the build. In the first
>>>>> we simply don't create the build objects and document that in
order to use
>>>>> Thrift server in ODH operator, both spark cluster and thrift must use
>>>>> custom spark image containing the jars needed to access Ceph/S3. At
>>>>> the middle term between both is option two, so we don't need to
worry about
>>>>> delegate this task to the user or the operator.
>>>>> What do you think? What could be the best option for this scenario?
>>>>> --
>>>>> Ricardo Martinelli De Oliveira
>>>>> Data Engineer, AI CoE
>>>>> Red Hat Brazil <
>>>>> Av. Brigadeiro Faria Lima, 3900
>>>>> 8th floor
>>>>> rmartine(a)redhat.com T: +551135426125
>>>>> M: +5511970696531
>>>>> @redhatjobs <
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>>>>> <
https://www.facebook.com/redhatjobs> @redhatjobs
>>>>> <
>>>>> <
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>>>> Open Data Hub, AI CoE, Office of CTO, Red Hat
>>>> Brno, Czech Republic
>>>> Phone: +420 739 666 824
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>>> --
>>> Landon LaSmith
>>> Sr.Software Engineer
>>> Red Hat, AI CoE - Data Hub
>> --
>> Ricardo Martinelli De Oliveira
>> Data Engineer, AI CoE
>> Red Hat Brazil <
>> Av. Brigadeiro Faria Lima, 3900
>> 8th floor
>> rmartine(a)redhat.com T: +551135426125
>> M: +5511970696531
>> @redhatjobs <
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>> <
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>> <
>> <
> --
> Landon LaSmith
> Sr.Software Engineer
> Red Hat, AI CoE - Data Hub
Ricardo Martinelli De Oliveira
Data Engineer, AI CoE
Red Hat Brazil <
Av. Brigadeiro Faria Lima, 3900
8th floor
rmartine(a)redhat.com T: +551135426125
M: +5511970696531
@redhatjobs <
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