Hi Everyone,
We are happy to announce a new z-stream release for Open Data Hub v1.1.1 In this release we migrated the apiVersion of the operator to v1 so it is visible in OperatorHub on OCP 4.9. We have provided an example kfdef for installing ODH on OCP 4.9 with limited components. The team is working on getting the rest of the components working on OCP 4.9, to follow this effort please check our jira epic
The ODH v1.1.1 release also includes many new features described below in our operator description. 

ODH v1.1.1


Kubeflow Components

ODH 1.1.1 supports Kubeflow v1.3.0 and some components such as KF Serving and KFP on Tekton from master branch. To install Kubeflow v1.3.0 components please use this example KfDef.

NOTE: The Open Data Hub distribution of the Kubeflow 1.3 stack currently runs on OpenShift versions of 4.8 (or lower). For latest updates, please visit link

OpenShift 4.9

For installing Open Data Hub on OpenShift 4.9, please use the provided sample KfDef that only includes JupyterHub. We are currently updating all other components to work on OpenShift 4.9 for the latest update please visit ODH-522